Article by Trudy Allen | 7 min read
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
As the COVID Pandemic spreads across the world many people are either being furloughed or asked to work from home. If you have never worked from home before there are some things that you can put in to place, to minimize distractions and maximise a dedicated work area
Follow our three tips for creating a comfortable Home Workspace.
1. Think Location
Think about the environment you currently work in, or work best in; are you used to background noise from colleagues? Or do you prefer total quiet.
If you have a spare bedroom or room, consider that as an option. Being able to shut the door to your “office” at the end of the day can help to separate your work life from your home life.
If you have a cubby area with widely spaced built in shelving, you could consider using this as an inbuilt desk area.
Otherwise, identify an area in your home which is clear of possible distractions from other people or noise. This might mean moving furniture or shelves temporarily.
2. Think De-clutter
A way to define a work area is to minimize home clutter, which will distract your work-mode vibe. Clear or temporarily relocate anything you don’t need. If you need access to work related papers find a place for them; a magazine rack to the side of your desk/table, a filing tray, or even a shelf or cupboard.
Set your workspace up with only things that you will need; pen pot, stapler, notepad and a coaster for your water or coffee cup. If you need to use files, label the spines clearly so you can identify the correct file quickly.
Mini Cork or White Boards are great for writing reminders on or putting up sticky-notes.
An alternative to a bulky scanner or printer is a portable scanner. Many models now allow you to scan a document into virtual file folders. Once you can return to your office, you’ll have your new files instantly available and organized.
Check out this review of the best portable scanners available.
The 8 Best Portable Scanners of 2020 >
3. Think Comfort
Some businesses have sent employees home with their own office chair and even desk. If you’re working with your own furnishings try to make sure you are as comfortable as possible. If your chair is too low consider using pillows to add height to the seat and a lumber pillow to ensure you sit correctly.
Check out Mod Lifestyles range of Decorative Lumbar Pillows

And add a plant to your desk space, or above it. Plants clean the air and can boost productivity and creativity.
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya from Pexels
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