Articles and Updates — Holiday
Celebrations Amidst COVID
Celebrations Family Fun Holiday Tips

Article by Trudy Allen | 5 min read
Much of the world is either still in some form of Lockdown, or is going in to their 2nd or 3rd Lockdown period. With the winter and celebration season approaching how might our celebrations amidst COVID look? Here are five fun ideas that might even outlast COVID-19 and become new traditions for the celebration season.
A Safe Halloween For Everyone

Article by Trudy Allen | 2-3 min read
So many urban myths exist that might scare parents off allowing their children to go Trick or Treating. And the Corona Pandemic may be an additional worry to your list. But practised safely and with caution, Halloween 2020 can still be fun.
The National Safety Council has a useful list of tips and safety measures.
7 Ideas For A Family Valentine’s Day
Family Holiday Tips Valentines

Article by Trudy Allen | 7-8 min read
Valentine’s Day has morphed over the years to encompass varying types of relationship, including non-romantic relationships.
It’s a great day for giving examples to your children of how to show love and appreciation to those they hold dear.